About | bCast
bCast helps businesses to grow social engagement, traffic and revenue whilst building deeper relationships with their customers.

In today’s world where products, features and even businesses can be replicated in a matter of days, it is more important than ever for businesses to build strong relationships with their prospects, customers and even employees.

Historically these connections would be forged through written communication in blogs and emails, then came the live chat revolution: you can communicate synchronously with businesses, though this is still limited to text.

But what if you as a business could speak directly to your prospects, customers and employees as they went about their day to day tasks?

  • Whilst eating breakfast in the morning
  • Whilst working out at lunchtime
  • While doing the dishes after dinner

  • What impact would that have on conversion rates, churn and employee retention?

    We believe in a future where audio content surpasses written content as the primary medium for businesses to communicate with their prospects, customers and employees.

    And we are building bCast to accelerate this vision...
    Our Mission

    Our mission is to enable one million businesses to communicate directly with their employees, prospects and customers through an audio content feed.

    Our Vision

    Just as every businesses produces a written feed of communication with the outside world, we believe in a future where every business also produces an audio content feed for their employees, prospects and customers.
